

Standards of Ethical Conduct

Organisational Coaching Hub (OCH) maintains the highest standards of ethical conduct. This policy applies to all employees and associates of OCH when they are representing OCH in any kind of business relationship – be it paid for or not.

As organisational coaches, OCH employees and associates act individually and collectively in various roles which may or may not be directly related to coaching. In every case, this ethical policy is applicable as we act as coaches first and foremost.

At OCH we:

Conduct ourselves in a manner that reflects well on the coaching profession and refrains from doing anything that harms the public’s understanding or acceptance of coaching as a profession

Accurately identify our level of coaching competence and will not overstand our individual or collective qualifications, expertise or experience as an individual or as an organisation

Ensure clients understand the nature of coaching and the terms of the coaching agreement, and if necessary remind clients of this agreement and the nature of coaching if the client’s understanding fades

Do not intentionally mislead or make false claims to clients about what can be offered or the benefits of that working with us

Respect the confidentiality of client information which is shared within a coaching relationship, except where it is agreed locally with an individual client or where there is a risk of harm, or as required by law

Comply with all aspects of GDPR – See Data Privacy Policy

Respond positively to situations where the client is no longer benefiting from our working relationship, alerting the client to this situation as soon as possible, and taking action that benefits the client, including stopping the work if that is appropriate.

Alert clients of potential conflicts of interest between ourselves and our clients and wherever appropriate taking action to avoid such conflicts.

Are transparent as much as is legally appropriate, in our financial dealings, including compensation from 3rd parties regarding referrals or advice regarding that client.

Honour our agreements made in each coaching relationship with regard to progress reports and other commitments as part of the work between ourselves and the client.

Will challenge each other within OCH on perceived or actual breaches of these ethical standards, sharing concerns with OCH Directors so that resolution and appropriate action may be taken in service of our clients’ best interests.

Adhere to the International Coaching Federation Code of Ethics as an organisation and individually, each coach may also adhere to their own code of ethics – where the higher standard between two different codes is used.

We respect, and indicate wherever known, the creative and written work of others when developing or using our own materials.

Website Update

We are currently undergoing an upgrade to our website. If any content or features are missing or not working, please contact us with details.