Diversity Inclusion

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy

Organisational Coaching Hub (OCH), the trading name of Kesby & Co Ltd, is committed to providing services which embrace diversity and promote equality of opportunity. and inclusion.


OCH recognises that in our society, power has not been held equally and that groups and individuals have been, and continue to be, discriminated against on the basis of race, gender, age, marital status, social background, disability, religious belief or because of their sexuality. OCH will challenge direct and indirect discrimination within the companies, their personnel practices and during the provision of services.


We will provide equality of opportunity and will not tolerate discrimination on grounds of gender, gender identity, marital status, sexual orientation, race, colour, nationality, religion, age, disability, HIV positivity, working pattern, caring responsibilities, trade union activity or political beliefs – or any other grounds.

Our goal is to ensure that equality and diversity are promoted through our work with clients and that suppliers and associates have our commitments and values embedded into their day-to-day working practices. In particular, this means actively promoting equality and diversity within our people and organisational development work with clients.

We ensure the commitment to equality of opportunity is translated into working practices with clients. To this end we award the same access to our services irrespective of race, gender, age, marital status, social background, disability, religion or sexual orientation, and will work with our clients to ensure that this is possible.

We are committed to reviewing our practices and procedures regularly to ensure the effectiveness of the policies and commitment

We will demonstrate this commitment by providing:

Flexibility of working arrangements to meet the needs of clients and individual participants. This includes venues, times and methods of service provision.
Availability of support materials in advance of training.
Making reasonable adjustments to ensure programmes are fully accessible to all learners.
Recognition of individual learning styles and needs, and the design of course programmes which reflect this.
Recognition of and valuing diversity.
Avoidance of stereotypes within course materials and language.
The use of positive images and statements.


Kesby & Company Ltd will ensure that associate consultants and other partners are able and prepared to deal with equality and diversity issues as they arise within the course of their work. Any consultant proven to be using or promoting discriminatory language, materials or behaviour will be challenged and, action taken, including severance of contract or even reporting to legal authorities.


Our commitments to equality and diversity will guide our decisions about the types of development services we offer and will inform our thinking at every stage – from design to evaluation. At the delivery stage we will also role model our commitments to equality and diversity.


Everyone involved in OCH, employees, associates and Directors of Kesby and Co Ltd, have a responsibility for ensuring that this policy is implemented within all areas of our work. .

We work with all parties to develop plans for implementation, monitoring and reviewing of the policy.

Website Update

We are currently undergoing an upgrade to our website. If any content or features are missing or not working, please contact us with details.