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Coaching Leaders

This 3-day equivalent program is a practical introduction to the core skills of coaching, essential for all leaders at all levels.

The Need

Constant change means leaders have to manage people who know more about things than they do. The essential skill for leaders is therefore the ability to bring out the best in others. This means developing a coaching style of leadership.

This Program

This practical and experiential program tackles the up-skilling and the integration of the essential skills of coaching - presence, deep listening, powerful questions and a process that suits your organisation.


We believe that for everyone to be led well, all leaders inspire others through differentiated conversations that empower, support, challenge, stimulate and encourage others to bring out the best in themselves and realise their true potential.

  • All line managers and people managers
  • People who need to lead through other people
  • Knowledge experts wanting to reach a new level of leadership

Attendees will learn:

  • How, why and when (and when not) to use a coaching style as a leader
  • How to shift from providing the answers to bringing out the answers in others
  • The skills of reflective listening and having presence
  • The GROW model (other models if preferred) as a guiding process for coaching conversations
  • And practise, giving and receiving constructive feedback
  • And practise coaching real people with real challenges

The structure is flexible to your needs – either on-line or in-person. The vanilla program includes:

  • Module 1 – 2-Days to learn and practise core coaching skills
  • Coaching Circles – Three facilitated 1hr sessions to support application of skills into real world situations
  • Module 2 – 1/2 day follow up to fine-tune and embed for organisational impact

Leaders developing a coaching style:

  • Empower their people more
  • Are more likely to sort out problems earlier on
  • Inspire trust in others
  • Generate new ideas and new solutions
  • Let go of work and actions that hold themselves back
  • Have more time to think and act more strategically

The Coaching Leaders program is complementary with the Coaching Team Leaders program which takes a leader’s coaching from the individual to the team level.


We can adjust the content and structure to suit

Core Skills

Listening and presence

Powerful questions



Practical process model

Course Delivery

In-Person, on-line or hybrid

Total Participants

12 – 16


Modules with supported practice