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Organisational Coaching

Organisational Coaching is a variation to organisational development. We have worked with many organisations to support organisational change, conduct organisational diagnostics or to facilitate culture change. Organisational Coaching brings the best of our team coaching capabilities to help you achieve your organisational ambitions.

The Need

Organisational culture and dynamics are notoriously challenging. This is made doubly hard because the internal observer is inevitably part of that dynamic.

Our Service

At OCH we have developed a consistent approach to unique issues such as this. At it's heart is a partnering approach which helps the organisation appreciate and develop itself.


Organisational change is too often “done to” people rather than “done by” people. Coaching keeps you in the driving seat. We bring a team, small or large enough to match your ambition, and partner with you when you need it most. As with all our coaching, the best place to start is when you don’t know the answer, but can experience the issues. Perhaps it’s a relationship between two critical teams; perhaps it’s within the supply chain; or it’s an ambiguous “cultural” issue which is hard to define, yet is constantly there.

Organisational Coaching isn’t about coaching everyone in the organisation. We’re about coaching key leaders and key teams within part of or across the whole organisation. We partner with internal stakeholders to create the difference you care to make.

We use our 4Cs to:
  • Connect with the people feeling the most responsibility for taking action or who have the most energy for the organisational ambition
  • Consider with them where the symptoms of the issues are and plan for how to discover the underlying issues
  • Use a discovery approach such as interviews, focus groups or/and facilitated workshops to generate data and analysis from which Change can be made
  • Initiate a co-creative process for you to take onboard the analysis of the output and Close with a way forward

You’ll notice that this isn’t necessarily implementing whole-scale change. We know that our part as coaches in organisational change might be large, but it might also be small. In either case, we believe it will be the significant breakthrough that you seek to make to help achieve your organisational ambitions.
We’ve worked with organisations to tackle unknown problems such as:

Please have no hesitation to get in touch and have an initial conversation with us about what you experience. Perhaps this initial conversation is all that’s needed to make progress – we’d be delighted to help!

Organisational Challenges

Cultural behaviours
Digital transformation
Tension between teams
Undefined challenges

Types of Organisation

Public sector
Large, medium and small
Anything unique!


Typically between 1 month and 1 year depending on the organisational ambition




Team Coaching
Individual coaching
Facilitation of organisational tensions