Introduction to Extra-Dependent Teams

EDT for Leaders
This 1-Day program is a practical introduction to Extra-Dependent Teams, how they are different and why this matters.
The Need
Too often leaders decide their Extra-Dependent Team isn't a team. Conventional solutions only provide for Inter-Dependent Teams But trying to making an Extra-Dependent Team (EDT) operate like an Inter-Dependent Team (IDT) can make things worse.
This Program
This unique program provides leading edge solutions to help leaders and teams find why they work the way they do, and how to develop to become a team to aspire to.
Purpose of This Program
This program puts Extra-Dependent Team leaders’ minds at rest, clarifies why the team is different and provides clear ways for leaders of EDTs to generate team synergy. It’s purpose is to allow EDT teams to be led well.
Who Should Attend?
- EDT Team Leaders (check if you lead an EDT or IDT)
- Team developers and coaches
- Organisational Development Practitioners
What Will be Learned?
Attendees will learn:
- How Extra-Dependent Teams differ from Inter-Dependent Teams
- The learning dynamics of EDTs and how to utilise them for the benefit of the team and their stakeholders
- How to develop the team, their unique specialism and how to innovate for strategic impact
Program Structure
You can choose either on-line or in-person – see right panel. E-learning pre-work leads to 3 x 2-hour sessions during the day, giving plenty of time for reflection and rest.
- Part 1 – Distinction covering the differences between IDTs and EDTs
- Part 2 – Dynamics covering how to understand and anticipate the unique dynamics within EDTs
- Part 3 – Development covering the different ways teams can learn together to improve and innovate
You’ll also get a complementary copy of the book “Extra-Dependent Teams: realising the power of similarity” by David Kesby.
What You Gain
By attending this program you will gain:
- An understanding of why EDTs matter within organisations
- Peace of mind that you are not alone in leading an EDT
- Confidence that leading your team differently is important
- Skills to run meetings more effectively
- How to lead an EDT Learning with like-minded colleagues!
Where It Can Take You Next
- Join the EDT Community of Practice (CoP) and continue to learn with other experienced EDT Leaders in other organisations
- Continue to learn yourself through accessing our EDT Resources
- Consider joining a future 3-Day EDTs for Coaches program
In-House Option
Could this be the sort of program you think would work in-house?
Please get in touch to explore this option with us.